
I have taught both substantive and methods courses.

Below is a list of the courses I am currently teaching & taught.

Current courses

  • (SOT86094) – Political Information Processing and Incivility (MA): 3 ECTS
  • (SOT82113) - Introduction to the Study of Immigration: Theory and Methods (BA): 6 ECTS

Previous courses

  • Technical University of Munich (TUM)
    • (POL27001) Replication in Social Science Research (BA)
    • (SOT866006) Political misinformation and identity politics (MA)
  • Teaching ERASMUS program (2023)
    • Department of Communication, University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria)
    • How to write a scientific paper (BA)
    • Collaboration in academia (MA)
  • University of Bremen (2019)
    • Introduction to Quantitative Research Design and Data Analysis (BA)